What does the ENDLESS sound like?

By itself the ENDLESS won’t do anything. It must be used with at least one other pedal in the loop. Think of it as a utility pedal, or as an “add-on” to your pedalboard.

What makes an ENDLESS True Bypass?

The ENDLESS uses mechanical switching using a standard 3PDT footswitch, so your signal is mechanically isolated from your effects in the loop when disengaged. 

What power supply should I use?

9V DC negative centre. The ENDLESS is a passive circuit, so will still function without power. The power supply is for the LED indicator only.

Where is the battery compartment?

There isn’t one. Fuck batteries.

I opened my ENDLESS, where is the circuitboard?

Firstly, naughty. That’s your warranty gone (JK). Secondly, there isn’t one. The ENDLESS is a simple passive circuit that is much more similar to plumbing than “real” electronics. Your signal is routed back through the loop unaltered. The effects you get are caused by your pedals “hearing themselves”.

Are there any pedals the ENDLESS doesn’t work with?

Yes. Any noise gates will nerf the feedback mode. Also, the EHX Small Clone doesn’t appear to play nicely in feedback mode. There will be others, and any feedback (pun intended) on what works and doesn’t is appreciated. Feedback loopers really are an experimental tool and certainly won’t work with everything, but with enough play and patience will unlock some rewarding new noise.

Hang on, there’s fuck all to this! can’t i just make one myself?

Yeah. You could. But you didn’t, did you. Anyway, who’s got time for that when you could be making sweet noise? Me, apparently.